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{{exteriorColor}} {{#exteriorColorDisclaimer}}{{/exteriorColorDisclaimer}}
{{interiorColor}} {{#interiorColorDisclaimer}}{{/interiorColorDisclaimer}}
MSRP {{msrp}}
Available {{make}} Incentives {{incentivesDiscount}}
MSRP {{msrp}}
Sale Price
MSRP {{msrp}}
Nissan of Cape Coral Discount -{{dealerDiscount}}
Adjustment +{{discountMatrixAbs}}
Available {{make}} Incentives {{incentivesDiscount}}
Additional Available Offers
{{#conditionalIncentives}}{{programDescription}} ${{programValue}}
KBB Trade Over Allowance up to: $8000
Plus $1,299 dealer fee, $599.95 eft, and $298 private tag agency fee. Reconditioning or certification costs may not be included